Saturday, 9 May 2015

Countdown to Vienna - BELARUS!

In a shocking development, the song actually chosen by the voters in the Belarus National Final is actually going to Eurovision.  For at least the second year in a row!!  This year, Belarus turned down an offering from Bela-Norwegian Alexander Rybak (him off of Norway's massive winner "Fairytale"), and instead chosen Uzari and Maimuna, a singing and fiddling duo with "Time".

Uzari is a Minsk-born singer with an interesting taste in ear-jewellery, who was a backing singer on the EPIC Belarussian ESC entry in 2011 "I Love Belarus" (find it on YT, seriously!), and Maimuna is a Russian violinist who doesn't appear to say much.  Here's the song!:

Here's what the Euro Bureau panel have to say:

Asta Bjornsdottir:  "Úps...... I actually listened again to check if the song was more than 4 phrases...... repeating it self over and over again!!"

Hasse Skoldebjer: "First time I hear this, and I'm pleasantly surprised, I like this. 8/10."

Annemieke Kelleter: "I like this one too. Keeps popping up in head on and off. I think with this one a lot will depend on the live performance. Would be surprised if they do better than Teo though."

Adam and Charlotte Lane:  "I would worry about the live performance considering how much autotune has been used in this studio version. We like his Bajoran ear pieces. Stronger than some of the other duets, but still a bit of a mess. 3/10."

So a mixed review from us here at EB, let us know what you think! :D

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