So this year Israel have chosen a Nadav Guedj, who is your "Golden Boy" (whatever *that* is) a sixteen year old, who wants to show you his Tel Aviv.... (Steady...) It's *very* Eurovision, as you can now see and hear for yourselves!:
So, what do our esteemed panel think about it?:
Asta Bjornsdottir: "Mama, I just killed a man...... and then it changes into some hip/ modern thing just to change again in some ethnic dance stuff!! Can‘t they decide what they want to be???? That chorus is annooying!! That „golden boy“ is not getting my vote!!!!"
Hasse Skoldebjer: "I rarely like the entries from Israel but last year they were my number 1. Still can't believe she didn't make it to the final. I also like this one very much. Can't believe he's only 16 though!! 8/10!
Annemieke Kelleter: "Totally do not get the hype. The lyrics sound so cheerful but somehow the music doesn't seem to make me very happy. I do really like the part between the intro and the chorus, that's really catchy but other than that, not a favorite of mine."
Adam and Charlotte Lane: "Dance oriented with strong influences of its cultural roots. Lyrically ‘meh’ but with a strong melodic hook and a great beat. This is one of the few tracks so far that I’m looking forward to hearing again! 7/10."
So mixed thoughts on Israel's "Golden Boy" - but what do YOU think? Leave us a comment below and let us know! :D
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