Monday, 11 May 2015


I am always in awe of Sweden.  Their National Final, Melodifestivalen, is a six-week long TV show with semi-finals and a big final all performed in sell-out arenas.  The Melodifestivalen Final is held in a massive arena with a live crowd of 13,000 in the hall!  I doubt even that many watched the red button reveal of the UK entry...

Anyway, back to the Swedes, and just like they rewarded Sanna Nielsen with the ticket to Eurovision after 7 attempts, this year the rather yummy Mans Zelmerlow gets to Eurovision on his third attempt.

And a very current number it is too, it is extremely reminiscent of anything that David Guetta is having hits with all over the world (and some have pointed out it maybe a bit too similar to "Lovers on the Sun"!) and in the Melodifestivalen featured a very impressive projection show.  Have a listen to the song below, and then read the comments of our panel:

Asta Bjornsdottir:  "When I saw this live at MGP I fell totally flat in love with the song and the staging. It was magical. The official video is a lyrics video like so many are publishing today and I still love this. It will be exiting to see how they will stage it in Vienna. One of my favorites this year!!!"

Hasse Skoldebjer: "Like it a lot but it lacks something 8/10."

Annemieke Kelleter: "Have a bit of a love hate relationship with this song. It's well written and he's a really great singer but I'm missing something to make it really special, and the 'r's in the first verse annoy the heck out of me."

Adam and Charlotte Lane: "Why is Sweden using a pedal steel guitar? Love that - it’s completely random! Sweden normally knocks out some absolute blinders for Eurovision, but unfortunately this isn’t one of them. The chorus is quite catchy. It’ll make it to the finals, but where will it place? 3.5/10."

So not the ringing endorsement that a lot of fans and the bookies are giving it, but we still have high hopes for Sverige! But what do YOU think? Leave us a comment and let us know! :D

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